Writing a participatory report on an Asian ethnic community in the region, geology homework help

Writing a participatory report on an Asian ethnic community in the region (4-5 pages, double-spaced, one-inch margin). It could be Chinatown, Japantown, or Koreantown in New York or any other community as long as it has a large Asian population living within the area. The report needs to discuss the spatial pattern, residential/commercial types, demographic information of residents, language spoken, and cultural landscapes of the Asian ethnic community.

Actually I have already finish the paper, but I want tutor to add some resource from the advanced research of http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/i…

Using the data source and also cite the web, for tutor naturally use extra source, please add some words and paragraph maybe 100-200 words. Because I really can’t use this web very well, I feel confused on this website so I need tutor help me add resource. My teacher really love us to use this web that she recommended… Also improve my sentence and vocabulary please.

The due day is today!!! Hurry up !!!!!

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