the lack specific healthcare providers, health and medicine homework help

My Response last night was: Hi, I would use an interpreter in this cases. Indeed, tests can be utilized as one of the tools to enable the learners to grasp the information to do with whooping cough. However, it is paramount to assess the case and establish whether the student can be comfortable to learn using tests (Bratianu, 2016). This is because different persons tend to have different learning styles. Before I decide on using a test to ensure that the patient understands, I will first try to find out if the patient can be comfortable with learning using test or any other method such as by only reading or by watching a DVD (Bratianu, 2016).

However, in your case, it is evident that the learners limited by language in his learning process. The use of an appropriate medical interpreter would serve as the best way to get the patient learn about to disease (Juckett & Unger, 2014). The interpreter can be a trained medical practitioner who is conversant with the Spanish language used by patients of the Latino origin or any family members trusted by the patient. A cultural interpreter can also be used to play a significant role as a means to facilitate critical verbal and nonverbal communication as well as mediating the cultural practices and concepts as needed (Juckett & Unger, 2014).

My instructor asked me the following two questions this morning: I need to respond to the two questions below before midnight tonight. Both questions can be answered in two short paragraphs with a reference.

1) Hi Mia,

Who makes the health care decisions for this population? If so, did you or your peers include them in your health teaching?

2) HI Mia,

Thank you for your well researched post! Many individuals oppose vaccinations for various reasons (religious, personal, medical, etc).

How would you persuade them to get vaccinated?

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