Short response (1.5 pages) to the objectives., health and medicine homework help
he CDC has a vital interest in chronic-disease outcomes. What is it doing?
Friday Nov 18, 2016: 12:15-1:15; 2024 E Monument, 2nd floor
“A Population Health Informatics Framework: Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Needs”
Co-sponsored by the Center for Population Health IT
Jason Bonander MA
Director of the Office of Informatics and Information Resource Management
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
John Loonsk MD
Chief Medical Informatics Officer
CGI Federal
Consultant to the CDC
Please send me a short response (1.5 pages) to the objectives from Friday’s lecture . The objectives were as follows :
Learning Objectives
1.Explain the need for a shared population health informatics framework
2.Describe why chronic disease measurement, prevention, and management need such a framework
3.Describe some of what a framework could include and what parts are important to advancing different population health activities
For instance, if the Objective were, “Describe a framework for presenting an article at journal club,” you would write, “Dr. X presented a framework of several steps, focusing on the Research Question, the Hypothesis, the Methods, the Results, and the implications of those results.”
Not so complicated!
please paste in the objectives above, and put your “answers” after each item. It makes it easier to see the relationship between your answer and the “question.”
you will need to watch the link for the lecture in order to answer the the questions: