Short Answer Questions
Question 1: Signals travel through imperfect transmission media, describe in detail the three main causes of impairments. Answer MUST include how they affect different characteristics of signals including amplitude, phase and frequency. (5 Marks)
Question 2: A host is sending a file from a PC using FTP. Explain the process the PC undertakes, between the time the application begins sending the file and the electrical signals leave the 100BaseT interface card. Make sure to clearly discuss what happens at each layer of the TCP/IP Model described in the textbook. (5 Marks)
Question 3: Calculate the approximate bit rate and signal level(s) for a 3 MHz bandwidth system with a signal to noise ratio of 110? (5 Marks)
Question 4: Compare the link local address to unique local address in IPv6. Discussion MUST include a comparison to private addresses in IPv4. (5 Marks)
Question 5: Compare ICMPV4 and ICMPV6 protocols. Describe the different types of errors reported by the ICMPV6 Error-Reporting messages. (5 Marks)
Question 6: What is a Decentralized P2P Network and how is it different from a centralized P2P network? List and describe the two different types of decentralized P2P network? (5 Marks)
- define and explain various Internet technologies;
- describe and analyse the role and importance of Internet technologies in the modern world; and
- explain how different application layer services such as client-server and peer-to-peer paradigms work in the Internet.
Marking criteria
HD |
DI |
CR |
PS |
FL |
Define and explain various Internet technologies |
In depth use of a good range of relevant literature to address the questions. Clearly defines various internet technologies, with evidence of synthesis of own research and prescribed reading in topics. |
Evidence of using relevant literature to address the questions. Correctly defines various internet technologies with evidence of synthesising some external readings and prescribed reading in topics. |
Use of some relevant literature to address the questions. Provides a definition of various internet technologies. Mostly cited the prescribed text. Synthesised concepts learned from topic readings. |
Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address questions. Provides a definition of various internet technologies but little evidence of linkages or connections to topic readings. |
No clear definition or explanation when addressing questions. Little or no clear information provided. |
Describe and analyse the role and importance of Internet technologies in the modern world |
In depth use of relevant literature to address the questions. Demonstrates a high level of information analysis of the role and importance of internet technologies in the modern world. |
Evidence of using relevant literature to address the questions. Demonstrate a good level of information analysis of the role and importance of internet technologies in the modern world. |
Use of some relevant literature to address the questions. Demonstrates analysis of information around the role and importance of internet technologies in the modern world. |
Limited evidence of using relevant literature to address questions. Provides a description and some information around the importance of internet technologies in the modern world without much analysis. |
No clear description or analysis provided to address the questions. |
Explain different application layer services |
No errors in the material presented, with an in-depth, clear, well-structured explanation of different application layer services. |
No errors in the material presented, with clear, well-structured explanation of different application layer services. |
The material presented was generally clear and well-structured explanation of different application layer services with some omissions. |
The material was generally presented in a clear manner, however some errors or omission of information impedes understanding of what student is trying to explain in terms of different application layer services. |
Evidence that the student is unaware of the different application layer services. |
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References – You must use the APA referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work. All your work must be cited.