Selling the American West

1. What was the general attitude of the people and the government of the US during the 1800’s towards nature? What specific acts were put in place to exemplify this attitude? What is the manifest destiny?

2. Why did the Railroad companies to hire artists? What were these artists trying to convey through the art? Describe the characteristics they included.

3. Describe and compare Thomas Moran and Albert Bierstadt’s paintings in your own words, which painting had the most impact on you and why?

4. What was the style that the early California artists like Granville Redmond followed, describe this style, what were they trying to capture?

5. Do a google search on one other Early California Impressionist, write a 1/2 page on their life and work. Pick a painting of theirs that you particularly liked and compare it with Granville Redmond, similarities differences etc.

animals from the list below:

California Grizzly Bear, Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, Baiji River Dolphin, GoldenToad, Black Rhinoceros, Dodo. Do research on their natural history, historic range, their population (at their height of existence), how and why they went extinct, etc. Write a minimum of 350 words.  Be sure to cite your resources at the end of your research summaries.

7. Give your opinion about the positive and negative impacts photography has had on our lives. Do you agree with those presented in the lecture? What do you feel are the negative impact, if any?

8. List and briefly describe at least three of the major photographic advances mentioned in the lecture and what problems did they solve?

9. Explain the reason Eaweard Muybridge first began his motion photography project, who did he work with and what was the original reason for pursuing it?

10. Explain the process and setup Muybridge used to take his photographs capturing movement.

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