NSCI 301 laboratory management and safety
Presentation on Product Development
See the document bellow for details
Poster Presentation
Format Instructions
(Adapted from Designing Conference Posters, http://colinpurrington.com/tips/poster–design and )
Size: 24 inches by 30 inches
Sections of the Poster
No Abstract
Title (Font size: at least 72 points)
Introduction (section heading: at least 48 points; section text: at least 24 points)
Materials and Methods (section heading: at least 48 points; section text: at least 24 points)
Results (section heading: at least 48 points; section text: at least 24 points)
Conclusion (section heading: at least 48 points; section text: at least 24 points)
Introduction (200 words)
Minimum background information
Minimum definitions
Get to the central theme or idea
Make a convincing argument about your hypothesis, based on the background information Briefly describe the method used to test the hypothesis
Materials and Methods (200 words)
Expansion from brief description in the Introduction
Diagram experimental design (rather than using text explanations)
Diagram or take a photo of the actual experiment (rather than using text explanations) Explain analytical methods and statistics used
Results (200 words of explanatory text; exclude figure or tables; excludes figure legends)
Results section takes most of the space of the poster
Tables, graphs, charts that support or enhance the key finding
Refer each figure (tables, graphs, charts) and explain them
Figure legends for all graphs and charts
Informative figure legends that can stand on their own
Interpret the data and results
Discuss whether results support your hypothesis (as stated in the Introduction)
State main findings
State whether hypothesis was supported by the results
State the importance of the results
State the relevance of this work to past work (as presented in the background in the Introduction)
Literature Cited (in APA format)