Meta-Analysis Lifespan Development Case Study, health and medicine homework help

Option #1: Meta-analysis Lifespan Development Case Study

Throughout the course, you have explored and examined human development through the entire human lifespan. Select a human life to use as a case study. This can be the life of someone you know (such as a friend or family member), or someone about whose life you can gather information (such as a scholar, artist, politician, or celebrity). If you prefer, you may select a fictional person, such as an adult character in a book, movie, etc. If you wish to apply your own life as an illustration of human development theory and concepts, choose Option #2, below.

The human life you select will be applied as an illustration of human development theory and concepts.

In an essay 8-10 pages in length Doubled Space, address the following:

  1. Explain how the developmental theories pertaining to physical and cognitive development that are discussed in the textbook and in the course modules are relevant to your character’s progression through the developmental stages. Discuss a minimum of two theories in your analysis.
  2. Explain how each of the eight stages covered in the course has played out in your subject’s life and how they pertain to social aspects and relationships throughout his/her lifespan. (E.g., your subject may not have lived through the later stages of her/his own life but will have experienced those stages among family and social relationships.)
  3. Describe how gender and culture have impacted the human development process for your chosen subject.

Your Portfolio Project will include the following:

  • Cover page in APA format
  • Introduction
  • Body of paper
  • Conclusion
  • Reference list in APA formaT (INCLUDE 5-6 REFERENCES).

Discuss and cite the course textbook and at least three credible or scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook, to support your analysis and positions. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find sources. Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length, in addition to the cover and reference pages, with document and citation formatting per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

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