Is Agrarianism Livable? No plagiarism or late work, environmental science homework help

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Is the agrarian solution realistic? How could a modern person (i.e., someone who lives in a city, uses modern technology, works in the global economy, etc.) adapt agrarian principles to fit their way of life? Explain your view of whether the “eco-nuns” discussed by Taylor have been successful in making an agrarian ethic relevant to modern life? How might one’s choices to live sustainably be considered a “spiritual discipline”? Explain two or more environmentally responsible practices that you would like to incorporate in your own life and the concrete ways that you will attempt to do these things.

Review your classmates’ posts. As you analyze their examples and present your own position, think about the practices that they examine and try to supplement their discussions with methods that you are thinking of implementing in your own life. You might also consider reflecting on how practicing these things might make your own life better or more harmonious with nature.

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