Genetically Modified Organisms
SUBJECT: Genetically Modified Organisms
The image of a genetically modified egg, presented at the contemporary and modern art museum
of Trento and Rovereto (mart) in Italy, is a novel concept by British designer Dominic Wilcox.
The idea for a ‘genetically modified egg cup’ is aimed at placing a spotlight on the possibilities,
both positive and negative, of genetic modification.
GM is a very real part of contemporary society and will take human and animal life into
unpredictable directions in our future world. Wilcox believes it is important that we raise
discussion on every step of the scientific progress in order to make sure we, as a culture, use the
positive aspects of these discoveries while avoiding the potential dangers. The all-in-one egg and
cup is one small example of potential uses of GM in order to make everyday life a little bit
easier. Wilcox ponders a future where the redesign of organic life such as fruit and plants may take
on new shapes and forms that accommodate our lives more appropriately. With his project, Wilcox
also brings up the prospective issues surrounding public concern of problems generated from GM
intervention – from one solution a problem also can arise – what is the fate of a hen that needs to
lay a cube-shaped egg?
Genetically Modified Egg Design by Dominic Wilcox
Provide a short opinion piece on Wilcox’s design, especially as it pertains to the ongoing debate
surrounding GMOs and Genetically Engineered (GE) crops. Responses should range anywhere
between 600 and 800 words. Your discussion should not be limited to Wilcox’s design, instead,
students are expected to weigh in on existing public concerns surrounding genetic-based
interventions. You can certainly consult with existing scientific literature and appropriate online
sources to support your paper, but this is not mandatory.