Carbon Footprint, environmental science homework help

Your readings have now discussed many different ways each one of us impacts the environment, from the food we eat to the cars we drive. In this discussion you are going to assess the carbon footprint for your household.

Visit the CoolClimate Network ( and perform the “quick carbon footprint estimate.” Before you start the quiz, take note of the number given on the starting page indicating the average footprint for households similar in size to yours. Write this down so you can discuss it later; then complete the quiz. As you enter the data requested at the top and move through the tabs, you will notice the bars at the bottom increasing or decreasing. When you are done, write a post addressing the following:

How many tons of CO2 does your household produce each year?

Was your household’s amount of CO2 more or less than the average given at the beginning of the quiz? How do you think your routine differs from the average person to create that difference

In which category does your household produce the most CO2 per year? Why do you think you have the highest number there

In which category does your household produce the least CO2 per year? Why do you think you have the lowest number there

Was there anything that surprised you about the results

What are some of the suggestions given at the bottom that you think might be good ideas to reduce your household’s carbon footprint

Your initial posting should be 250-500 words and references

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