Application of Health Promotion, health and medicine homework help

Topic 1: Eating disorders

Research eating disorders online (there are many videos available, try to watch one or several), and then discuss what you feel would be appropriate interventions for adolescents suspected of having an eating disorder. How would you as an advanced practice nurse initiate conversations with adolescents about this issue?

Required Reading

In Health Promotion Throughout the Lifespan in Nursing Practice, read:

  • Chapter 18:”Toddler”
  • Chapter 19: “Preschool child”
  • Chapter 20: “School -Age child”
  • Chapter 21: “Adolescent”

Optional Reading

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Policy statement: Media use by children younger than 2 years. Council on Communication and Media. Pediatrics. 128(5), 2011, 1040–1045.

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: Facts for families: Obesity in children and teens. 2011, [Online]. Retrieved March 30, 2015, from

Bower, J.K., Hales, D.P., Tate, D.F., Rubin, D.A., Benjamin, S.E., & Ward, D.S. (2008). The childcare environment and children’s physical activity [Abstract]. American Journal of PreventiveMedicine. 34(1), 23–29.

Herman-Giddens, M., & Kaplowitz, P.B. (2010). Sexual maturity stage. In Performing preventive services. A bright futures handbook. 2010, American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove, IL, Retrieved from

Adams, N. (2012). How TV violence affects kids. Retrieved from

Bagnato, S.J., McLean, M., Macy, M., & Neisworth, J.L. (2011). Identifying instructional targets for early childhood via authentic assessment: Alignment of professional standards and practice-based evidence. Journal of Early Intervention. 33(4), 243–253.

Kelly-Weeder, S. (2011), Binge drinking and disordered eating in college students. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 2(1), 33–41.

Web Resources

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): Helping smokers quit:

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP): Teenagers with eating disorders. Facts for families (no. 2). 2008, Author, Washington, DC, Retrieved from

Growth charts: CDC and WHO: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Immunization schedules. 2011. Retrieved from

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