answer the question and respond to at least two other student s discussion posts one paragraph

( One paragraph for the question, and two to three sentences respond )

Answer the question and respond to at least two other student’s discussion posts.

Give some examples of verbal and nonverbal cues. How do they help or hinder effective communication?

First Student:

Why do you think people tend not to engage in active listening?

I think one of the biggest reasons why people (especially managers or people in charge) tend not to actively listen is mainly because they have their own problems/issues on their mind and are too pre-occupied with those to engage in someone else’s. I really liked how the book mentions on page 102 that active listening may not always solve the problem at hand, but what it does is build that relationship with those that you’re listening to. Just showing that you actually care is all that truly matters. People don’t expect you to solve their problems and always respond with a solution, they just want you to LISTEN, maybe give some comments and supporting advice. I think that’s a common misconception about being a good listener-it doesn’t take much effort at all. Just some patience, willingness to listen, and minor engagement. It is fairly easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and issues to lend an ear though.

Second Student:

Why do you think people tend not to engage in active listening?

I think there are multiple reasons why we don’t engage in active listening. One of the biggest reasons I can think of is, we are busy and rushed. It seems like people, especially people at work, are always busy and just hurrying through their days. They don’t take five minutes to breathe and really listen to someone, only listen. Our moods can also block us from active listening. If I’m having a bad day or I am worried about something else going on, I’m not really going to be paying much attention to the person talking to me. Another point that goes along with this, is being self-centered. While someone is talking to you, you are thinking about your own to-do list and how you are going to get through the day. We are oftentimes too wrapped up in ourselves to actively listen to the conversation we are in. Also, we have discussions with people, but may not truly listen because of who the person is. I may not like that person and may want to tune them out or rush them through their conversation to get them out of my hair.

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