3 pg double space response paper for a reading

Please read the following carefully:

The paper will be worth 20 points: 8 points on summary, 8 points for comments on the reading’s contribution and critique, and 4 points for clarity.

This paper is on the following reading: Schelling, Thomas. 1980 [1963]. The Strategy of Conflict.Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Chapter 3 + pp.89-118. —- Attached.

Page 1: Summary

Will be assessed on the following:

(1) did you get the main points?

Cleary identify and clearly define key concepts. Summarize the main points in your own words (you should not rely on quotes)

(2) How precise and accurate is your summary?

Summary needs to be precise and accurate. if you say “According to the author people are obedient” and do not specify why according to the author people are obedient your summary remains wanting.

Page 2 and 3: Reading’s contribution and Critique

(1) Contribution of the reading:

What does it add? Assess contribution of the reading.

(2) Critique strengths and weaknesses of paper.

Will grade the contribution of the reading and the critique of its strengths and weaknesses by taking into account their relevance and the extent to which these comments are precise and well-informed. If you say: “this reading is important” or “this author is wrong” but do not elaborate these two assertions in light of specific points or examples, your comments do not fulfill their goal.

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