write for me this assignment and be careful with the instruction and write it simply and clearly also source your outside sours for question 3 and for the rest use the article i uploaded 1

3 to 4 pages total

Case Questions. It is about WalMart’s failure in Germany. After reading the case, please write a paper that answers the following three questions:

Q1. Why did Wal-Mart fail? Be as specific as you can be.

Q2. Hindsight has 20-20 vision. Write a ONE PAGE memo to Mike Duke, President & CEO, International Division, Wal-Mart, that summarizes what marketing insights Wal-Mart should have learned from its German misadventure. Duke was in charge of all Wal-Mart international operations in 2006 when Wal-Mart decided to leave Germany.

Q3. Find one other country in which Wal-Mart was once active but which they have now withdrawn from. Conduct some research to find the reason(s) why Wal-Mart withdrew. Analyze how these reasons for market withdraw from the country you chose compared to Wal-Mart’s withdraw in Germany. At the end of your analysis list all the sources used to develop your answer. Do NOT directly quote any of the articles you use. Summarize things in your own words.

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