Wk 6 Response 1 Nursing Technology, health and medicine homework help

APA format*** 1 paragraph for each response***at least 4-5 sentences for the paragraph***2 References***

Please create a response to my classmates and Instructor response Below:

My classmates Response is below:

Response :1. Thanks for your post Amelia. Can you please spell out the stages in the systems life cycle. What are those stages, what is accomplished and what is the value of having nurses involved?

Dr. Rodgers

Response 2. Hi Amelia!

I agree that failing to involve nursing in the planning stages can have devastating consequences. I cannot imagine spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a system that is hated by staff because it doesn’t meet their needs. It is imperative that nurses are involved in the preproject phase as well as the project’s life cycle so that their concerns are voiced and included on the requirements list. The implementation process is not intended to be seamless. Changes will need to be made when issues arise. I love the pancake principle: “the first pancake is not as good as the rest, and one should know that the first development will not be perfect” (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015, p. 181).

During which step in the systems development life cycle do you think nursing input is most valuable?


McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA:

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