web design 27

  1. Please read section 1.1 this chapter, Chapter 1. HTML5: from documents to applications. We’ll be referring back to this content as we progress through the course. You’ll find it in the website below.


I am going to ask you to summarize this on your web page assignment.

  1. Do not forget the website folder – it must be zipped and attached. All of your websites need to be a zipped folder.
  2. Create a 3-page website that follows web convention and HTML5. The pages need to be interconnected – e.g., you are creating a website.

Be sure to:

Follow Web Convention
  • The main navigation is consistent on every page. No disappearing main navigation links.
  • Title area/banner with the site title
  • Page title for every page – this goes under the navigation/banner area and above the main content.
  • Footer area
  • Links that open in new tabs
  • ADA convention/Usability principles are followed — tables (th and scope) and images (alt tags) are coded appropriately.
  • Text is readable
  • Color contrast is appropriate between text and background
  • Headings (h1, h2, h3, etc.) are used
  • Paragraphs are coded using the paragraph tags
  • Coding conventions for HTML5 are followed. Use small caps for the code. Use body/head section, etc.
To have a home page with
  • A section on the home page that summarizes, in your own words, what you have learned from the assigned reading. You are going to use a bulleted list to do this. You will summarize the main concepts in a bulleted list. Use six-word six-line rule for like you might for a presentation. (Six-word – the six-letter rule is only approximate. Make your summary short and descriptive.)


    • History of Web is …..
      • fact 1 about web history
      • fact 2 about web history
      • fact 3 about web history
      • fact 4 about web history
      • fact 5
  • Do not copy and paste paragraphs.
  • Use HTML 5 coding to create this content.
  • Use a heading tag to start your next area of the page where you will list deprecated tags.
    • List the tags that are no longer used in HTML5 (deprecated tags.)

Create a Table

  • List table attributes before you begin the table
  • Use table attributes to control the readability and look of the table
    • cell padding
    • cell spacing
    • border-color (optional since it is a CSS style)
  • Make it accessible
  • As many rows as you need
  • 3 columns
    • Column 1 – List the tags you studied in the W3 in one column
    • Column 2 – List the attributes of the listed tag
    • Column 3 – examples of possible values

Create a form that self-verifies*

  • use place holders
  • self-validates (required)* (required is the hint.)
  • submittable
  • uses form-action/method
  • uses 6 input types. Do not just use text boxes. Use a variety: drop-down, radio, submit, checkboxes, etc.
  • uses form labels and names
  • make it required
  • describe the attributes of a form and what they are for.
  • Use the mail to attribute so if I submit on the form so that it will send the data to an email address
An image gallery
  • Use a heading tag at the start of this section
  • Insert 5 images
  • Use descriptive alt tags
  • Control alignment
  • Control height and width (different from original)
  • List attributes of the image tag and what they are for.

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