Two ICD-10-PCS General Coding Guidelines Discussion, health and medicine homework help
250 Word minimum; APA Format
Must use ICD 10 PCS 2017 Book and if using Google must be 2017 Guidelines
Directions must be followed exact:
Refer to the “ICD 10 -PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting” and go to the “Medical and Surgical Section Guidelines”. All of these guidelines begin with a “B”. From the “B” guidelines choose two guidelines and do the following for each guideline you chose:
- Read the guideline to yourself and read about it in your textbook if that guideline is there. If it’s not found in your textbook, Google the guideline to understand it further.
- Re write the guideline in your own words that make sense to you and as you would write it to instruct your classmates.
- You can do this in either a written format or a power point format.
- Give an example of a code based on the guideline and give the code description.
- Organize your information so that it is reader friendly, organized, and makes the information clear. (Example: Use bullets or separate your information with “white space” and don’t use sentences run together in one paragraph.)