Training Program Based on the OPT model, health and medicine homework help
This week for you assignment I have put myself as a client.
Please make comments on your approach that would fit the OPT model for the 6-8 weeks of workouts.
Here is the info on the assignment:
This week you are going to create a 6-8 weeks workouts for the following: Cardio, Stability, Flexibility, Strength, Power, SMR, Core, Balance, SAQ.
The goal is get to an ideal healthier weight, increase muscle endurance & strength, increase cardio endurance/stamina, increase flexibility all around, increase ROM (shoulders, lower back).
1) You have a 55 year old male
2) Height 5’11”
3) Weights 185
4) Two ACL repairs
5) Semi activate
6) Former marathon runner & basketball, baseball/softball player
7) Has no pain nor swellings after activities in any joints.
Please use all the NASM forms applicable for this assignment and turn it in D2L by Sunday November 20 by 1130PM EST.
Note: The top two students will skip the final exam and will get an “A” in the final exam.