theater essay humanities

1. After carefully reading Chapter 7, read the Learning Objectives (7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4) at the beginning of the chapter.

Chapter 7 Learning Objectives

71. Compare and contrast classic Greek tragedy and Elizabethan tragedy.

7.2 Differentiate among various forms of comedy, including satire, comedy of character, farce, and parody.

7.3 Discuss the key developments in nineteenth century theater (the 1800’s).

7.4 Describe the new theatrical directions and themes in that evolved in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

2. Select ONE of the four Learning Objectives Prompts (7.1, or 7.2, or 7.3, or 7.4) and prepare to write a 400 word (or greater) essay addressing the prompt based on information in the text book and your own research.

3. Find and read a research source (BEYOND your textbook – try google scholar) concerning the theatrical “prompt” you selected and be prepared to integrate it in your essay. Be sure to cite these research sources too.

4. Post the (new thread) essay of at least 400 words in which you fully address the requirements of your chosen prompt.

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