The VA VistA’s EHR, health and medicine homework help


Comment on the nature and quality of the “CPRS Clinical Reminders” documentation. Does CPRS’s Clinical Reminders functionality appear to be easy to use and effective? (Limit your answer to five sentences).

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Find articles in the peer-reviewed literature (for example via PubMed or Google Scholar) that document the US Veterans Health Administration’s (VA) achievements in improving the quality and safety of patient care. For three of the articles you identify, list the reference, describe the findings, the nature and strength of the evidence of improved quality of care, and the role that the VistA EHR appeared to have played in the improvements in the VA’s quality of care. (Limit your answer to five sentences per paper.)

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What are Ross Koppel’s major criticisms of existing electronic health record systems? From what you learn from Koppel’s publications, briefly describe Epic’s response to Koppel’s comments (the document is Detailed EpicCare Clarifications) about the demo of the Epic EHR that he saw at a recent HIMSS conference. (Limit your answer to 10 sentences.)

the document is Detailed EpicCare Clarifications attachaed.

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