test questions please asap

The most abundant rare gas in the atmosphere is

A. He B. Ne
C. Ar D. Xe

The Latin word formica means ant. The name formic acid is derived from this Latin word because

A. this acid, in ancient times, was used to eliminate ant-hills
B. this corrosive acid is secreted by ants to drive away their enemies
C. this acid was first obtained by the distillation of ants
D. ants are attracted by the odour of this acid

The ore which is found in abundance in India is

A. monazite B. fluorspar
C. bauxite D. magnetite

The inherited traits of an organism are controlled by

A. RNA molecules
B. nucleotides
C. DNA molecules
D. enzymes

The heat energy produced when the human body metabolises 1 gram of fat is

A. 30 KJ
B. 1 KJ
C. 39 KJ
D. 29 KJ

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