source analysis

To analysis a source and answer question.(one paragraph per question)!!

Using the primary source The Life of Julius Caesar, complete the Primary Source Analysis Worksheet (both linked below) and submit it through the Assignment Inbox button at the bottom of this page.

Answer each question completely, taking into account material covered both in class and in the text. Answers should be in complete sentences, organized in paragraph form.

Sometimes the primary source won’t provide a clear or straightforward answer to a question on the worksheet. If that happens, it’s okay to take a guess based on the information you have.

This is not intended to be an assignment that requires outside research; your answer should be based on the material covered in class and in the text.

The grading scale for this assignment is as follows:

90 – 100 points: All questions were answered completely and thoughtfully, in paragraph form, using appropriate grammar and punctuation. Material covered in class and the text was accurately referenced.

80 – 89 points: All questions were answered completely, but analysis was lacking or unclear in some instances. Material covered in class and the text was accurately referenced.

70 -79 points: All questions were answered completely, but analysis was lacking or unclear. Material covered in class and the text was not accurately referenced, or was missing.

60 – 69 points: Some questions were answered completely, but analysis was missing or unclear. Material covered in the class and text was not accurately referenced, or was missing.

0 – 59 points: Some questions were not answered completely or were not answered at all. Analysis was lacking or unclear. Material covered in the class and text was not referenced.

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