Research paper on use of vaccinations

  1. Typed double-spaced, in a Times New Roman font, size 12. Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. (Do not use any fancy or cursive fonts.)
  2. Read the assignment carefully and address the topic suggested.
  3. Be specific. Limit your submission to the topic suggested.
  4. Use proper APA formatting. Include a reference page in APA style. On this page list websites, journals, and all other references used in preparing the submission. Also include a cover page and in-text citations.
  5. The title in capital letters
    • Name and student number
    • Current date
    • Course title and number (Introduction to Biology, SCI 120)
    • Research project number (57331100)
    • Student uses standard 12-point font and 1-inch margins.
    • The student includes all required content in 3–5 pages
    • Student includes APA formatted References page
      • Describes the basic issue of his or her chosen topic
      • Describes the basic argument of opposing viewpoints
      • Identifies strengths and weaknesses of both the pro and con views
      • Chooses a view with which he or she agrees
      • Explains why he or she agreed with the chosen view (The conclusion is the only place “I” should be used in the paper.)

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