research paper on hpv
- You are expected to investigate the assigned or selected and approved public or aggregate health problem cited in Healthy People 2020 and:
- Explore and define the health problem and most affected/vulnerable populations.
- Summarize and synthesize available literature and/or available guidelines (minimum 4) to explore the environmental, individual and agent factors that affect the public health problem or concern.
- Summarize and synthesize available literature to explore the outcomes of intervention strategies (minimum 4) at the primary, secondary, or tertiary level of prevention.
- Critically analyze risk factors, most affected/vulnerable population, and intervention outcomes to develop a program recommendation.
- Content Outline and Descriptions
- Cover page (per APA guidelines)
- Introduction (1 paragraph)
- Describe and summarize the problem, its effects on health and most affected/at-risk population.
- Synthesis of available literature/guidelines (1 page)
- Based on the literature, summarize the most common environmental, individual and agent factors that increase the risk of this health problem.
- Analysis of available evidence-based primary, secondary or tertiary prevention efforts to address this health problem (1 page)
- Based on the literature, which primary, secondary or tertiary prevention effort has been shown to be most effective / cost effective or practical for the population identified as being most affected / at risk?
- Conclusion (1 paragraph)
- Based on 3 and 4, which risk factor do you think should be addressed and which prevention strategy/level of prevention do you think might be most practical and effective for this population?
- Follow APA guidelines of style for all aspects of the paper, including style, organization, and grammar.
- Limited to 5 typed pages, 12 pt. font, double-spaced. Page limit does NOT include cover or reference page(s).