Research Database Assignment


You are to locate and document research databases that relate to a significant clinical nursing issue of your choice. The research databases may be labeled as such, or may be collections of research studies and reports. You are not looking for research or articles, you are looking for new databases.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome:

CO 1:  Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO #7)

Due Date: You are to identify a total of five research databases (or collections of research-based evidence) that are relevant to a significant clinical nursing issue that is important to you. Submit the descriptions using the form provided in Doc Sharing to the Week 3 Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. Sunday (MT).


The assignment is worth a total of 175 points. Please see the grading rubric for details.


1.  Choose a topic of interest to you that is a significant clinical nursing issue. Please note that the databases you identify could be useful sources of information for your Capstone project in NR451, so choose your topic thoughtfully.

2.  Download the NR439_Research_Database_Form from Doc Sharing and type information about each database directly onto the form. Your paper does NOT need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, syntax, and write in complete sentences.

3.  Save the file by clicking Save as and adding your last name, e.g., NR439_Research Database_Smith.docx.

4.  Describe your topic of interest. This is worth 15 points.

5.  Locate a total of five research databases  related to your topic. Each research database description is worth 30 points. You may search for these in various locations, e.g., the Internet or the CCN Library.  You may NOT choose the databases that are already familiar to you – MEDLINE, PUBMED (which also indexes MEDLINE), GOOGLE SCHOLAR, and CINAHL. Instead, you are expected to expand your knowledge of evidence-based sources. Places to help you begin include your textbook, which lists databases and websites that report research. The Chamberlain online library (  gives you access to several databases and provide tutorials for searching. Government sites such as those at the National Institutes of Health offer collections of research on a variety of subjects. The key to choosing the databases is that each contains research-based evidence that also pertains to your topic of interest. Again you are looking for new databases to use in the future and not articles related to your nursing clinical issue.

6.  Review each database to gather information to create a description for the assignment. Each description must:

a.  identify the title of the research database;

b.  describe the location of the research database in a way that a reader could find it. This should be the URL. This URL should take you to the home page of the database.

c.  name owner or publisher of the source;

d.  describe the research database. This must be in your own words and not copied and pasted from the original source. Include the purpose of the database and the subject matter it covers. This may be two to three sentences; and

e.  explain how the research found in the database relates to your topic of interest. This may be an two or three sentences.

7.  Submit to the Research Database basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 3. Please post question about this paper in the Q & A Forum.


The following is an example of a description for JBI:

Title of Database:Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence-Based Nursing and Midwifery

Location of Database (URL):

Owner or publisher of Database: Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence-Based Nursing and Midwifery (JBI)

Describe (in your own words) the research database or collection of research including the purpose and the subject matter it covers:

The Joanna Briggs Institute is an international not-for-profit Research and Development Organization that provides evidence-based resources for healthcare professionals in nursing, midwifery, medicine, and allied health. Those with membership are able to obtain evidence-based practice information from systemic reviews, evaluation reports, electronic journals, best-practice information, and consumer healthcare information.

Explain how the source relates to your topic of interest:

 JBI is relevant to my topic of interest because it provides reports, systemic reviews, journal

 articles, and best-practice information on current issues in healthcare. Hospital

 readmissions are a major issue in healthcare. The database had several resources

 addressing the problem of hospital readmissions and identifying strategies for


Question #1: The research design flows from the research question and outlines the plan for the study that will answer the research question. The design identifies the major components of the study. It is important to remember that there is no one best design for a research study. Define qualitative and quantitative research designs.

Question #2: Describe which research design will work best for your research question. Why? Explain your answer.

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