reflection 35

Guidelines and Grading Criteria for Reflection Assignments

Reflection: Why Nursing? Why a BSN?


Each student will prepare a portfolio as a requirement for graduation. One of the components of the portfolio is a narrative describing why you chose the profession of nursing and yourmotivation to earn a BSN.This reflection will serve as a beginning reflection toward creating your portfolio.

A portfolio is “a focused purposeful collection of student work” (Wenzel, Briggs, & Puryear, 1998, p. 209). A portfolio supports the evidence of concepts and principles being applied in practice, demonstrating the relationship of theory with practice (Williams, 2003). Development of a portfolio involves critical thinking and synthesis ofknowledge gained throughout the curriculum. The process provides each student the opportunity to self-reflect on experiences. Achievement of self-reflection, analysis and synthesis of thought and action as well as involvement and accountability for one’s learning is required (Wenzel, et al., 1998). The level of student development will be assessed using the School of Nursing outcomes as students create meaning from nursing literature and their own practice (Williams, 2003). Further, a record of growth and progress is created since the portfolio is a work developed over time.The portfolio is used to assess student achievement of end-of-program outcomes. Throughout the four semesters of the nursing program, each student will develop a portfolio, demonstrating personal and professional growth.

Why Nursing Reflection:

The Why Nursing? narrative section contains the goals and motivation for seeking the BSN experience. This is a description of educational events as well as a summary of the accomplishments and personal growth that has been achieved through educational activities thus far. The student will describe personal goals and interests leading to the decision to seek a BSN and reflect on pre-nursing experiences.

Manuscript Format:

All portfolio writing will follow APA format (6th edition)and will have:

Title page

12 point, Times New Roman font, black ink

One inch margins


Running head with page numbers

3-4 pages in length (including the title page)

**HIPAA guidelines must be followed in all written documentation.

Grading Criteria:

Correct spelling, grammar, and APA Format 5points

Motivation for seeking a BSN is clearly addressed 5 points

Description of experiences/accomplishments to this point 5 points

Description of personal and professional growth to this point 5 points

Personal goals are clearly addressed 5 points


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