re socw6301 assignment introduction to research proposals

Just because you thought of an interesting research question and have a desire to conduct research does not mean that your research will automatically be supported by faculty or funded by an organization. In order to gain stakeholder approval, you must submit a research proposal. Much like an outline of a paper or a treatment of a movie script, the research proposal contains several parts that begin with a research question and end with a literature review.

For this Assignment: You compile a research proposal that includes a research problem, research question, and a literature review.

For this Assignment, choose between the case studies entitled “Social Work Research: Couple Counseling” and “Social Work Research: Using Multiple Assessments.”

Consider how you might select among the issues presented to formulate a research proposal.

Be sure to consult the outline in Chapter 14 the Yegidis et al. text for content suggestions for the sections of a research proposal.

  • As you review existing research studies, notice how the authors identify a problem, focus the research question, and summarize relevant literature. These can provide you with a model for your research proposal.

Submit a 5- to 6-page research proposal stating both a research problem and a broad research question (may be either qualitative or quantitative).

  • Use 6–10 of the most relevant literature resources to support the need for the study, define concepts, and define variables relevant to the question.
  • Include a literature review explaining what previous research has found in relation to your problem and question.
  • The literature review should also include a description of methods used by previous researchers.
  • Finally, be sure to explain how your proposed study addresses a gap in existing knowledge.

Please use bulleted subtitles and include 2 additional peer reviewed references


Yegidis, B. L., Weinbach, R. W., & Myers, L. L. (2018). Research methods for social workers (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

  • Review Chapter 4, “Conducting the Literature Review and Developing Research Hypothesis” (pp. 71-99)
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