quiz 3 scheduled for thursday march 15
Reminder: Quiz 3, Thursday, March 15. Open = 11:59 am. Close = 5:00 pm.
Quiz 3 will open and be visible to you at 11:59 am, Thursday, March 15, on LaunchPad. The quiz will close at 5:00 pm.Students will not be able to complete and submit the quiz after 5:00 pm.
Quiz scores will be available to students when the quiz window closes at the end of the quiz period.
I will send the class performance, the frequency distribution, and the study topics for Quiz 4 in a separate email after Quiz 3 has been completed.
Students who fail to submit the quiz by 5:00 pm will have quiz 3 dropped as their lowest quiz score (0) at the end of the semester.
Please read the directions below carefully. Students will be allowed one attempt to submit the quiz. Students will not be allowed a “re-try†for failing to submit the quiz. Since technical errors (such as a power outage) may prevent students from submitting a quiz, students are encouraged to take all quizzes on university computers. In the event of a technical error, IT will be able to verify all technical errors for university computers. Rescheduling quizzes will be allowed only when a LaunchPad system error or a university computer technical error can be verified as the reason for failing to submit a quiz.
Here is the website:
course URL:http://www.macmillanhighered.com/launchpad/chiangmacro4e/7244501
the user names and the passwoeds:
Password: As1234512345@
Password: As123456@
Password: FF99190265f!
Password: Abdullah5584@
Password: Aa112233@
Password: Aziz_1998
password: Fm99077079/
Password: Mm_22119977
password: Qazwer1!
password; Qazwer1!
please log in right now from all the users name and see if there is any wrong password so I can sent the correct one before the exam starts.