preparing for a business

Preparing for a Business Meeting

This assignment supports the following lesson objectives:

  • List the key steps needed to ensure productive team meetings.
  • Identify the major technologies used to enhance or replace in-person meetings

Assignment Overview

This practice exercise explores how to create an agenda for a business meeting and the importance of doing this.


  • 1-page paper (12-point font) including the meeting agenda and a paragraph on how an agenda and other items can ensure that the meeting is successful.

Activity Details

Perform the following tasks: Practice Your Skills Message for Analysis: Planning Meetings p.59 in the Textbook.

Step 1: Develop a meeting agenda.
A project leader has made notes about covering the following items at the quarterly budget meeting. Use a word processor (like MS Word) to develop an agenda by putting these items into a logical order and rewriting, where necessary, to give phrases a more consistent sound:

  • Budget Committee Meeting to be held on December 12, 2012, at 9:30 a.m.
  • I will call the meeting to order.
  • Real estate director’s report: A closer look at cost overruns on Greentree site.
  • The group will review and approve the minutes from last quarter’s meeting.
  • I will ask the finance director to report on actual versus projected quarterly revenues and expenses.
  • I will distribute copies of the overall divisional budget and announce the date of the next budget meeting.
  • Discussion: How can we do a better job of anticipating and preventing cost overruns?
  • Meeting will take place in Conference Room 3, with WebEx active for remote employees.
  • What additional budget issues must be considered during this quarter?

Step 2: Summarize how the agenda and other tools can ensure a meeting is successful.

  • Continuing in the same document you created in Step 1 above, write a paragraph summarizing how the agenda and other tools can help ensure that your meeting is a success.
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