Power point
Biopsychosocial Model, Person-in-Environment (PIE) System, and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory
Prior to completing this assignment, please review the Week 1 required readings (textbook, articles, videos, and Instructor Guidance) that cover the three theories used for this assignment. When researching journal articles for this assignment, please use these search terms for best results: Biopsychosocial Model, Person-in-Environment system, and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory or Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model. When preparing your PowerPoint presentation, you may want to do a Google or YouTube search for How do I ____ (add Speaker’s Notes, quote in APA, change a design, change colors, etcetera) in PowerPoint.
Scenario: You have been asked to speak to an audience on the importance of the social factors affecting one’s experience of life. For this presentation, create an interesting and educational PowerPoint presentation, which contains a critical narrative that integrates aspects of the various theories with your individual sociocultural experiences.
To begin, create a PowerPoint presentation of 10 to 12 slides (excluding title and reference slides). Research each theory fully so you can effectively synthesize information relevant to these topics. Your presentation must include three scholarly sources that are cited in APA format as outlined
Please include the following in your presentation.
- Include a succinct thesis statement for your presentation.
- Choosing one of the SOC313 Family members, (FOUND BELOW)provide a thorough description of the health condition, and describe how the condition affects the person physically and mentally.
- Provide a thorough explanation as to how the condition affects their meso-level and exo-level interactions.
- Compare and contrast the three developmental theories in your presentation. Discuss the similarities and differences in each theory. There will be three comparisons (Bronfenbrenner to PIE, Bronfenbrenner to Biopsychosocial, and PIE to Biopsychosocial).
- Incorporate appropriate images, tables, graphs, or other visuals as necessary.
- Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
- Follow directions below regarding information to be placed on the slides versus what is included in the Speaker’s Notes section below each slide.
Please observe these general guidelines for your visual presentation. This link contains tips for basic guidelines of slide presentations. Additionally, this website (Links to an external site.) offers tips for creating effective and interesting slide presentations.
- Slides should be sequenced and organized clearly.
- Slides should show a clear and logical progression of ideas.
- Slides should include a maximum of five bullet points or short sentences, not dense paragraphs. The information that explains each bullet point is conveyed via Speaker’s Notes. Speaker’s Notes are the typed notes that appear in the box below the slide that complement the presentation slides. Whereas the slides have short bulleted items, the Speaker’s Notes will contain more details. They are essentially what the presenter will say during a presentation to an audience to explain the bulleted points and any images, graphs, data summary, and/or animation on the slide. It is important that the Speaker’s Notes are concise and detailed when explaining the points.
- Slides should include relevant visuals such as images, graphs, tables, data summaries, sound, and/or animation that enhance understanding of concepts, ideas, and relationships.
- When using sourced material, follow APA as you would for discussions or other written assignments, using quotation marks at the beginning and end of verbatim material, a citation, and a corresponding reference on the reference slide.
- The presentation as a whole should include a consistent theme, format, and font to assist with readability.
The slideshow needs to be visually engaging. You want to include far more details in the Speaker’s Notes section than on the slide so the audience members focus on the presenter, not the presentation.
All sources used within the presentation must be cited properly within the slides and included on the required reference slide, which will be the last slide of the PowerPoint presentation. You must include a reference slide when you submit your PowerPoint presentation.
Creating the Presentation
The PowerPoint presentation:
- Must be 10 to 12 slides (excluding title and reference slides).
- Must include a title slide with the following:
- Title of the presentation
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must include images and text that tastefully convey the message presented on each slide.
- Must use three scholarly resources in addition to the course text (four total).
Throughout this class, we will meet two families, the Maldonado’s and the Olson’s. The two families are considered extended family via Sarah and Joe Miller. We will learn about their relationships, work environments, and the psychosocial effects related to health challenges faced by each family. You will use this document for the discussions and written assignments. We begin with the Maldonado family.
Manny and Donna Maldonado have been married for 42 years. Manny is age 65 and Donna is 63. Sarah, Mike and Becky are the children of Manny and Donna Maldonado. Sarah is the eldest daughter, followed by her brother, Mike, and her sister, Becky.
Manny is Hispanic American and owns a 20,000-acre produce farm that has been in his family for three generations. Although Manny speaks and understands English, he prefers to speak Spanish. This creates a language barrier between Manny and other family members who do not speak Spanish. Donna is fluent in Spanish, having learned the language from Manny and his family. Donna works on the farm with her husband. She has long suffered from mood swings, which is mostly frustrating to Manny. He says it is “brujeria,” meaning her moods are caused by witchcraft and “mal d ojo” or “evil eye.” He believes someone put a spell on Donna. When this is believed to be the case, the person will visit a Curandero (healer) who will perform a healing ritual. o Sarah works as a nurse, and recently took Family Leave of Medical Absence (FMLA) due to her children’s recent issues. o Joe is the President of Illusion Technologies. Joe’s parents are John and Ella Miller. More details about Joe are shared in the Olson family section below. Lucy, age 20, has a history of severe substance use disorder, along with having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. In the past two years, Lucy has had four different jobs.
She is unable to hold a job long-term. She now works on her grandparent’s produce farm. Josh, age 17, has been sneaking away with friends, smoking marijuana and skipping school. Evan, age 10, was recently diagnosed with leukemia; however, he has not yet started treatments. Evan’s doctors have recommended chemotherapy, radiation, and a bone marrow transplant. Sarah and Joe intend to follow this treatment plan. o Mike Maldonado is age 36. He currently works for a state University as a tenured faculty of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Mike was recently diagnosed with HIV. o Dan was Mike’s husband. He recently passed away at the age of 38 due to an AIDS-related illness. They were married for 10 years. Mike and Dan did not have any children. o Becky is age 33. She is divorced and working on the family produce farm as well as attending a local college at night to complete her bachelor’s degree in Child Psychology. She has one child, Abe. Abe is age 12. He is a good student, but his behavior has changed recently, showing anger and defiance towards both of his parents and several teachers at school. His mother, Becky, has been treating Abe’s behavioral changes with diet and alternative medicines.
Next, we will meet the Olson family.
Frederic Olson was married to Mary Olson. Mary passed away 10 years ago at the age of 77. Frederic is age 87. Ella is the only child of Frederic and Mary Olson.
Fredric has pronounced symptoms from Parkinson’s disease. He has tremors and balance problems, along with muscle stiffness and gait (manor of walking) changes. He struggles to begin any movement. However, once he is moving, he cannot stop easily. His gait has changed to smaller steps and shuffling. As he progresses through the stages of the disease, Frederic needs increasing assistance with his activities of daily living (ADLs), which entails bathing, dressing, food preparation, eating, taking medications, et cetera. He recently moved to an Assisted Living community and only leaves the facility for medical appointments. The family visits Grandpa Frederic on an alternating schedule at his new home every week. The Assisted Living community has regularly scheduled social events in which Grandpa Frederic actively participates. o Ella is married to John Miller. Ella and John are both 70 years old. John and Manny Maldonado are best friends. Ella and Manny grew up together on their neighboring farms. Ella and John recently sold their 10,000-acre farm to the Maldonado family since the two farms were adjacent to each other. o Ella has been trying to heal herself from breast cancer using a variety of natural means. She grew up on a farm and was accustomed to using home remedies. Therefore, Ella is not willing to utilize Western medicine practices. o While the alternative health care methods kept Ella in remission for a few years, recently she learned the cancer has returned. In addition, the cancer has metastasized to her lungs and bones. Ella has chosen to forego Western medical treatment options such as chemotherapy, radiation, and pharmacological breast cancer treatment medications. She has requested to live out her last days at home. Ella has agreed to be admitted to Hospice home care, with John as her primary caregiver. Ella and John are seeking quality palliative end of life care. o John, Ella’s husband, is of Native American origin. He is well educated and uses Western medicine, but relies heavily on Native American methods, such as meditation and banishing bad spirits from their home. John speaks fluent Spanish, having learned the language as a child. o John is an attorney for the Maldonado produce farm and his son’s company, Illusion Technologies. o John and Ella’s children are Sam, age 50, Lila, age 45, and Joe, age 43. Sam is divorced and has no children. He works as a foreman on the Maldonado produce farm. He is an alcoholic and has been diagnosed with severe substance use disorder due to his alcohol addiction. His alcohol use is affecting his position as the foreman. Over the past few months, he has experienced emotional outbursts, missed work, and started arguments with the workers, third-party wholesalers, and Al Goldberg (Olson family).
Sam has been upset that his parents sold the family farm to the Maldonado family instead of passing it down to him. Lila, age 47, is married to Al Goldberg. She is a Social Worker for the state. Her job is very stressful as her caseload includes at-risk children. There is a great deal of documentation required; therefore, she works many 10 to 12 hour days. Lila is overweight and has Type II diabetes. She has not controlled her weight or diabetes well. Recently, her doctor changed her medication. She is now taking daily insulin injections to help manage her diabetes. Al, age 47, Lila’s husband, is the general manager of the Maldonado family produce farm. Al had first option for buying the Olson family farm. He opted out of purchasing the farm and agreed with the sale to the Maldonado family. He has no known health issues; however, due to an early childhood trauma, he is afraid of hospitals and funeral homes. Alisha is Lila and Al’s only child. She is 20 years old and is currently attending college full time on a nursing scholarship. The college campus is an hour away from her parent’s home. She lives on campus in the dorms, does not work at this time, and has no known health problems. Joe, who is Sarah (from the Maldonado family) Miller’s husband, is the President of Illusion Technologies, a rapidly growing company with 50 employees. He has a patent pending on two security-based software programs that could be worth millions. He and his father are in negotiations to purchase land to build a state-of-the-art office building. Sarah, Joe’s wife, is a nurse and recently took a Family Medical Leave of Absence (FMLA) due to the health and behavioral problems with her children. Details about Joe and Sara’s children are shared in the Maldonado family section.
The family members share a long history of friendship and love of farming. They have shared many life events, such as holidays, births, and deaths. Their families have been intertwined for generations through the raising of the children and grandchildren. For the most part, the families get along well. However, even though they share some of the same cultural traditions and backgrounds, they do clash from time to time. For instance, some of the Olson family members are not in full agreement with Ella’s use of home remedies and alternative treatments for her breast cancer. However, the Maldonado family understands and supports her choices. Further, Ella is encouraging Sarah Miller and Mike Maldonado to pursue Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) to treat Evan’s leukemia and Mike’s HIV. The members of both families are dealing with very busy schedules and major health challenges.