Methods of transport planning process and highway planning strategies in Oman

A case study of methods of transport planning process and highway planning strategies in Oman.

. The report must include and discuss but not limited to the following

· The importance of transportation in the national life with the statistics that demonstrate the importance of transportation including the transportation history.

· The major detrimental effects that are directly related to the construction and use of our highway transportation system.

· Characteristics of urban transport in Oman (Modes of transportation).

· Transportation Planning Organization (Administration, The transport planning framework, Missions of transport institutions, Relationships among transport institutions )

· Transport development in Oman (the transportation system, the increase in number transportation user, the classification of highway system).

· The methods of transport planning process and highway planning strategies

 · The forms of environmental impact analysis documentation.

· The basic issues that should be considered prior to selection of an evaluation procedure and the basic criteria used for evaluating transportation alternatives their units.

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