Mate selection Introduction

Introdction (General → specific)  (about 200-300 words)

Follow the thought process behind developing the hypotheses before you looked at the data

  • Do NOT change the hypotheses

What’s the big picture?  Think of your study’s relation to important, broader issues. “Important” issues don’t necessarily mean curing cancer or eliminating world hunger; you can discuss the importance of understanding human evolution!What was known before? Refer to findings of previous studies (citations are necessary!) Remember to indicate what species they studiedDiscuss the fitness benefits of the preference or advertised trait your experiment focuses on.Lead into what your work is going to add (Previous conflicting results? Different approach?)End on your hypotheses (what do you expect to find, why you think so)


Females with an average height of 5’3 chose a male mate that is 4 inches taller. 

 Males chose a female with a high voice because males associated females with a high pitch to a petite body.

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