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Review the Real-Life Story “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Forms” on page 186 in Gartee’s Electronic Health Records.  Do you think using pre-established electronic forms decreases the time it takes to document the patients encounter?  Explain your reasons why or why not.

Now, review Figure 5-33 and answer the following:

  • Describe how Dr. Lukowski’s form might be modified and used in another specialty outside of ObGYN practices.
  • Describe the specialty and the types of things documented on each encounter.
  • If you designed a form just for that office, what things would need to be listed to increase the speed of documenting the complaints and conditions?
  • Which systems would be reviewed in the Review of Systems (ROS), Medical History and Physical Examination during the encounter?
  • Which medications would you list in order to prevent incorrect medications from being prescribed?


Review the Real-Life Story “Contingency Plans Ensure Continued Ability to Deliver Care” on page 400 in Gartee’s Electronic Health Records. What type of contingency plan would you put in place in case of computer failure? List step by step what the policy would be and the procedures to follow that policy. The list should include at least six steps. 

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