lab report / biology


In writing your Genetics Report FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES IN THE LAB MANUAL CLOSELY.  Before you submit, check if you are hitting all the issues in the GRADING SHEET. Note that I will have this grading sheet in front of me when I grade. The grading sheet says you can get 25 points total. As this is the second report and you are still learning things it will not be weighted as heavily as the third one. Thus, it will be weighted so that you get as a MAXIMUM OF 35 POINTS TOTAL. Submit report Lab 6 Genetics as a single file in MS Word or Open Office DOCX format, or as a PDF to your main Sakai site. You also have to turn in a hardcopy at the beginning of lab. No late submissions will be accepted. Please note that your report will be checked with Turnitin


on the pdf file you will only need to look at 42 to 44 (number of pages) for the instructions of the report

please follow the rubric carefully.

let me know if you have any question

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