Instructions for the Diet and Wellness Project:

Instructions for the Diet and Wellness Project:

This is a semester long project. It will require you to track what you eat/drink for 3 days and analyze it using the Diet and Wellness Plus through the Cengage website (purchased separately). Tracking will be done at a later time. The first step is to CREATE YOUR PROFILE.

The goals of this initial report:

1) provide evidence you have purchased the DWP program required for the semester-long diet analysis project

2) you created your profile following the directions outlined in the assignment

3) demonstrate the ability to create reports using the DWP program

4) demonstrate the ability to upload the DWP reports into Canvas successfully.

Please read instructions/rubric for details.

Step 1 of the Diet and Wellness Project – Creating a Profile:

  • Create your profile – do not complete the Wellness profile since we will only focus on the diet portion of health this semester
  • Enter the information for your primary profile.
  • Enter all activity minutes/intensity – make sure activity level is not VERY ACTIVE unless you are an athlete in season. You can change it later if this is too low
  • When you are finished, click SUBMIT.

Step 2 of the Diet and Wellness Project – Create and Submit your DRI Report:

  • This assignment is submitted in Canvas
  • After you have completed your profile follow these instructions to make sure you submit the report correctly
  • Log into Diet and Wellness Plus
  • Top Menu – select REPORTS
  • Select “DRI Report”
  • Review the report to make sure all data is correct (height, weight, age, activity level, etc.) if the report is not correct, go back and EDIT PROFILE
  • Print report as a PDF file and save report to submit in Canvas if you do not have Adobe Acrobat or PDF Creator make sure to download it so you can submit pdf files.
    • Image

    Print report as a pdf file and save to submit in CanvasDRI reportPrint report as a pdf and saveprint report as pdfUse the screenshots provided and watch the following video how to create and submit the DRI report and the 3 Day average report in DWPRubricDRI Report (1)

    DRI Report (1)
    Criteria Ratings Pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubmitted DRI report on time
    1.0 ptsFull Marks 0.0 ptsNo Marks
    1.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeActivity level as Sedentary/Low Active
    1.0 ptsFull Marks 0.0 ptsNo Marks
    1.0 pts
    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAccurate height/weight/age/gender
    1.0 ptsFull Marks 0.0 ptsNo Marks
    1.0 pts
    Total Points: 3.0
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