How common is radon exposure, science homework help
Option 2: Write and submit a short essay response to the following questions:
- How common is radon exposure?
- Why are radon tests sometimes required before the sale of a house?
- If your neighbor’s house showed low levels of radon would you still need to test your house? Explain.
- How can you determine if you have elevated levels of radon in your home?
- Radon is a gas, should drinking water be tested? Why or why not?
- Why does the EPA suggest multiple short-term tests for radon in your house?
- How can you reduce radon levels in your house?
- What are radioactive decay and “half-life”?
- Are there some areas/regions that have a higher risk of radon exposure than others?
Your response should be a minimum of 250 words in length and must be completed by the deadline for the unit