homeland security 26

Homeland Security and International Relation

1.You will select a current international event and, using the comparative analysis technique, you will develop a series of possible outcomes related to international homeland security and specifically to US homeland security. You will prepare a six- to eight-page paper using the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). The paper will outline the event, issues, and potential outcomes. Comparative analysis is used in both government and business to determine a course of action. In simplest terms, you identify an issue or problem, list a number of alternative solutions or options for resolution (two or more), then compare the pros and cons of each option, and finally make a final conclusion.

2. Select a current (less than 12 months old) journal article on an international homeland security issue to review in a six- to eight-page paper prepared using the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition style guide. Identify the issue, review the author’s position, develop pros and cons to the author’s position, and summarize with recommendations. A journal is a scholarly publication addressed to a particular professional audience such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, or accountants and published by a professional organization. They may contain research articles, reports, and practical articles applicable to the profession. Newspapers are not journals. News magazines and websites are not journals.

3. You will select a current international event and, using the comparative analysis technique, you will develop a series of possible outcomes related to international homeland security and specifically to US homeland security. You will prepare an eight- to ten-page paper using the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). The paper will outline the event, issues, and potential outcomes. Comparative analysis is used in both government and business to determine a course of action. In simplest terms, you identify an issue or problem, list a number of alternative solutions or options for resolution (two or more), then compare the pros and cons of each option, and finally make a final conclusion or recommendation.

4. You will select a historical or current international security treaty to describe and analyze the effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty as it relates to homeland security and international security cooperation. The final project will be a 14- to 16-page paper using the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) and covering the following major topics:

  • history of the treaty, including identification and analysis of the forces and events that brought about the treaty
  • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty
  • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty in relation to the current security of the United States
  • future of the treaty (i.e., will it be enforceable, will it be necessary, etc.)
  • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty in relation to the future security of the United States
  • recommendations for changing the treaty to what best benefits the international community and the United States
  • The terms effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty come to mind. Somehow, we should incorporate that we want students to analyze the effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty as it relates to homeland security and international cooperation.

5. Federal agencies are funded through Congressional action. In a simplified overview, the House and Senate Budget Committees establish budget levels, the Authorizing Committees assign funds to specific agencies and programs under their jurisdiction, and the Appropriations Committees secure and provide the funds for these purposes. How well is this system working today? What are the major issues? How can they be resolved?

6. One of the functional annexes typically included in such plans is one for pets and animals. The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act of 2006 (PL 109-308), informally known as the PETS Act, provides that certain state-designated shelters are required by statute to provide co-located shelter facilities for pets. Is this a best use of scarce resources? What should the government’s responsibility be for pets?

7. Seven major issues that can have a significant impact on homeland security.

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Economic Disparity and Social Fragmentation

Water Security, Food Security, and Energy Security

Decreased National and Multinational Solidarity

Unrest Across the Globe

Demographic Change


In your opinion, which of these possibilities represents the greatest threat to the United States? Why?

8. Response actions to a disaster are often classified as being food, water, and shelter issues. Which of these responses do you feel represents the greatest challenge to government agencies and NGO organizations? Why?

9. The recovery phase of any disaster event creates a huge requirement for manpower for cleanup, repair, and restoration. Traditionally, a sizable segment of the manpower pool is provided by volunteers from NGOs, churches, community organizations, schools, etc. What are the advantages to using volunteers? What are the disadvantages?

10. In 2011, this function was subsumed within the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) which worked to “deemphasize” preparation for “sizable state-building post-conflict missions”. What happened? What is our obligation to countries we have defeated once the battles are over?

Note : Avoid Plagraism and Use APA format 6th Edition with Reference Pages

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