history writing critical review
History project
1.Don’t Rush. Identify the Assigned Questionï®Think about your topic carefully. Be sure you understand it. You can ask your instructor about any aspects of the topic or question that are unclear to you.
ï®Read Burmese Days; a Novel and analyze the relationship between locals and Westerners in the colonial Burmese society. ï®Your book review should explain how Westerners justified their dominance in the colonial society and how the locals accepted it in their home society. ï®Your book review should include views and examples from at least three of the following characters in the book: Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. Lackersteen, Dr. Veraswami, U Po Kyin, and Ma Hla May.
ï®The review shall be double-spaced, 4-5 pages (not including cover page and bibliography), with 12 point font and shall include a bibliography.
2. Make Notes for Your Paperï®From your sources, take notes on any facts and explanations that seem important in giving a serious explanation of the topic.ï®Examine your notes closely and compose a theme that your paper will support.
3. Make Outline for Your Paperï®Organize your paper by outlining it on paper. What evidence do you need to support your theme? Do you have enough for it or do you need to do more research?
4. Clarify Your Thesisï®Your first paragraph should establish a topic and present a thesis.ï®A good thesis:ï®1) Narrows your topic to a single main pointï®2) Makes your point clearly and firmly. ï®3) A thesis is not a description of your paper topic!
5. Topic Sentences ï®Paragraphsshould have topic sentences. The body of the paragraph should deal with the topic introduced in the first sentence. ï®Topic sentence is a basic summary of your argument in each paragraph. ï®Each sentence should be logically tied to your thesis statement.
6. Paragraph Building ï®In an academic paper, one paragraph is a one thinking block. ï®You start a new paragraph: ï®1) When you get to a new point, start a new paragraph. ï®2) When you explain a point already made by offering new examples or evidence. ï®3) When you break up long discussion or description into a manageable chunk that are easier to read.
6. Paragraph Buildingï®It should contain an argument and evidence to support the argument. ï®Do not simply summarize a story in a text without making a clear point. ï®Do not be too descriptive. ï®I have read the book, I want to read your analysis rather than the story itself.
7. Review Your Draft ï®Read and review your draft. Make sure that each part of your paper is supported by your notes and that each adds something significant to your argument or theme.
8. Quotationsï®Good general rules are: don’t quote too often, don’t quote too much, and rely on your own words unless there is a good reason for quoting those of your source.
8. Quotationsï®A long quotation should be justified by extensive and careful analysis of the quoted passage. ï®Three or more lines of poetry or more than 60 words of prose should be indented.
9. Citation – Use Chicago citation style (For Book)ï®Bibliography:Spence, Jonathan D. The Death of Woman Wang. New York: Viking Penguin Inc., 1978.ï®Footnote:1) Jonathan D. Spence, The Death of Woman Wang. (New York: Viking Penguin Inc., 1978), 109-116.
Go and Check:http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citation…
10. Format ï®In an academic paper, scholars usually use the font Times New Roman.Although there is no rule on what fonts to use, Times New Roman makes your paper look more serious and professional. ï®Use 12 Point. Just do it. ï®You don’t need to fix the margin in order to meet a minimum page requirement.
11. Others ï®You must proofread your essays carefully. ï®You can get help from the Writing Center. ï®Number your pages