EVR1001C USF Ways of Measuring Wealth of Nations Questions
Assignment 1
- Due Wednesday by 11:59pm
- Points 50
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types doc, docx, xlsx, and xls
- Available after Aug 26 at 12am
This assignment has you being introduced to working with Excel in a basic way, and using concepts in class to interpret scenarios and assess consequences.
The assignment has 3 files: 1) the Excel spreadsheet, 2) the text questions, and 3) an answer sheet.
Answer Excel questions in Excel. Answer text questions asked in the answer sheet.
You will submit two files for this assignment: 1) completed Excel sheet, and 2) completed answer sheet.
Please be aware the Excel sheet has two tabs: one for computations, the other for plotting.
Submissions will only take .doc, .docx, .xlsx, and .xls files. Convert from Google or Mac format to submit. Excel help at bottom. Google is your friend for using software: “How to plot xy plot in Excel 365”
Microsoft software is also available for free through USF (Microsoft 2016 & 365, under “Productivity”): https://software.usf.edu/all-software-category
EVR2001 – Assignment 1 Spreadsheet.xlsx
EVR2001 – Assignment 1 Questions.docx
EVR2001 – Assignment 1 Answer Sheet.docx
Excel Plotting:Creating an XY Scatter Plot in Excel (Links to an external site.)
Excel Computations: https://www.lifewire.com/excel-formulas-step-by-step-tutorial-3123636