essay democracy

Choose 3 topics and write 3 essays (each essay 4 pages)

  • Is democracy a system meant to safeguard individual rights, or is it perhaps a system in which individuals become aware of themselves as part of a wider collective body?
  • Can democracy justify coercion by a group or leader that subordinates individual will to a higher collective interest?
  • What is equality? Is there a form of equality that is more important?
  • What is a citizen, and how does a citizen differ from a subject?
  • What should a citizen do?
  • Do rights exist in the state of nature? Which ones and why?
  • I. Argument (Thesis, Claims, Support) – 45%
    1. Thesis: This is primary proposition of the essay as well as the main conclusion for your main argument. It should address the main issue in the question/prompt, and is usually clearly presented in the introduction of the essay. A thesis requires an argument and a rationale. (e.g. Rousseau’s concept of human nature is too optimistic (Argument) because he fails to account for self-interest, violence, and irrationality that affected people in Revolutionary and post-Revolutionary France (rationale).)
    2. Claims: The main premises/reasons that you offer in support of your thesis and argument. Your claims should provide reasonable and relevant support for your thesis and core argument.
    3. Support: Altogether, your claims should provide adequate support for your thesis to persuade a reasonable and informed reader that your thesis is acceptable.

    II. Structure (Theoretical framework, Organization) – 35%

    1. Theoretical Framework: Arguments should reflect a commitment to a coherent, developed, and reasonable theoretical framework. Your argument and any subarguments or claims introduced should reflect this.
    2. Organization: A good essay will have an introduction that states the thesis and briefly provides an overview of the argument, a body that logically develops the key arguments, and a conclusion that pulls it all together.

    III. Grammar (Mechanics, Style) – 20%

    1. Mechanics: The essay should essentially be free of errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax.
    2. Style: You should try to present your ideas clearly and succinctly, avoiding vagueness and ambiguous language and using precise terms and examples. Including correct spelling, avoiding run-on sentences, and use of active rather than passive voice.

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