essay 800 words to cover those requirement
Have you ever thought about how you could improve your major? Perhaps you have taken a required class for your major that you found did not best serve the overall major or you may have wished that a class was required for the major because it would better prepare students in your major for their future professions.
In an essay of 800 words argue for the addition or deletion of a required class for your major. To support your argument, use two relevant sources, such as your department’s website/handbook, academic or professional journals, or articles from one of the newspapers noted in WP2. Keep in mind that you will enhance or detract from your own ethos based upon the sources you choose. You might find it useful to consider what sources will help you best support your claim–your thesis. Would a journal article, for example, best help you, or would a course catalog from another university best support your claim? You will need a works cited (MLA) or references (APA) page for this paper. If you are unsure about a source, please check with me. You may not use Wikipedia or equivalent sources for this essay.