Dentistry- Tooth Anchoring Devices

5 pgs (1500-1600 words)

Article 2 (Anchoring ,Device).pdf Article 1 (Anchoring Device).pdf ARTICLE 3.pdf The paper should be in a scholarly format and include at least three (3) peer reviewed journal references (not including textbooks). None of the references can come from the Internet, unless they are from peer-reviewed journals. If a student is unsure if a reference is acceptable, please ask the instructor for guidance. All submitted work is to be typed, double-spaced, use 12-point Times New Roman font, and have a one-inch margin. The paper should be at least 3 full pages, not including references. Citations and references MUST use APA style. The paper will be graded on the basis of style (including grammar and spelling), depth, clarity, applicability, adequacy of references, and timeliness. 
The paper should include the following sections:  Introduction  Background  Discussion  Conclusion.

PLEASE USE REFERENCES ATTACHED ( 3 attached pdfs) with proper intexting

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