critical thinking question about urban water class
need to answer each question on these 3 unit. unit 1, 2 and 7 (don’t write it as an essay)
1.Identify examples of various relationship among elements of the ecosystem.
2.Discuss basic environmental principles that control or influence behaviors and actions within the ecosystem.
3.Based on 2nd law of thermodynamic, do like to eat fish or shrimp? Why?
4.Explain how to make DC more sustainable city in water resources management.
5.What is 1st and 2nd Law of thermodynamic and how do they apply to urban water quality management?
6.Explain point and non-point source of pollution. Which one is difficult to regulate?
7.Water is the only chemical that has three phases at ambient temperature. What is the importance of this unique property for the existence of life on earth?
8.Plot a graph of dissolved oxygen level in a eutrophic lake for 24 hours of hot summer.
9.Controlling water pollution is controlling human activities. Explain.
10.What is the source and sink of DO in surface waters? How can we increase DO in a slow-moving-polluted river.
11.Does pollution affect the formation of cloud and rain? How?
1.Explain point and non-point source of pollution. Which one is difficult to regulate?
2.Water is the only chemical that has three phases at ambient temperature. What is the importance of this unique property for the existence of life on earth?
3.Plot a graph of dissolved oxygen level in a eutrophic lake for 24 hours of hot summer.
4.Controlling water pollution is controlling human activities. Explain.
5.What is the source and sink of DO in surface waters? How can we increase DO in a slow-moving-polluted river.
6.Does pollution affect the formation of cloud and rain? How?
7. Suppose the Potomac River is receiving
◦Waste water effluent with100 g/m3 Phosphorus at 1000 m3/day.
◦Agricultural runoff of 50 g/m3 Phosphorus at 50 m3/km flow for about 2 km river stretch.
◦Margin of Safety is 5 kg/day
◦Reserve Capacity is 10 kg/day
a)Calculate Total Maximum Daily Load in ton/day
b)If the point source load is 100 kg BOD/day and discharge of 1000 m3/day, what will be the concentration of BOD in g/m3?
c)If maximum assimilative capacity of the river is 100 kg/day, what will be the maximum pollution load?
7. What is the importance of the following water quality variables:
◦Electric Conductivity (EC)
8. When raw sewerage enters into the river, how does it affect the dissolved oxygen, pHand EC level in the river?
9. Why and how do we measure T, DO, pH, EC and Turbidity?
1.Explain DO sag curve
2.Explain receiving water based effluent quality regulation.
3.Describe the constituents of concern in receiving waters and how to reduce them.
4.Explain source water assessment program
5.Describe how to protect sources water pollution.
6. Describe interaction of urban wastewater system (IUWS) components?
7. Describe the governing principle of IUWS management.
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