continuation of milestone 1

This activity will be a continuation of the Milestone 1: Health History that you submitted in Week 4. In this part of the assignment you will take the information you gathered, analyze the data, and develop a nursing plan of care.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO #3: Utilize effective communication when performing a health assessment. (PO #3)

CO #4: Identify teaching/learning needs from the health history of an individual. (PO #2)

CO #5: Explore the professional responsibilities involved in conducting a comprehensive health assessment and providing appropriate documentation. (PO #6)


This assignment is worth a total of 250 points.

Due Date

The assignment is to be submitted to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6. Post questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance. See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time may result in a deduction of points.


1.  Download the NR305_Milestone2_Form from Doc Sharing. You will type your answers directly into this Word document. Your paper does NOT need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, and syntax and write in complete sentences.

2.  Save the file by clicking “Save as” and adding your last name to the file name, e.g., “NR305_Milestone2_Form_Smith”

3.  Submit the completed form to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6. Please post questions in the weekly Q & A Forums so the entire class may view the answers.

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