communication with elderly patient

Communication is not considered successful until the cycle is complete; with this in mind consider the following scenario:

An 82 year old woman with moderate dementia and a hearing implement is brought to the surgeon’s office for a follow-up appointment after hip replacement surgery. The woman’s daughter accompanies her. The goal of the appointment is to make certain the hip is healing nicely and to discuss precautions before the patient returns to her assisted living apartment. Almost immediately, the conversation is directed toward the daughter because it is so much easier to explain to her what should be done. (Answer all of the following questions completely.)

  1. What might the staff do to help the patient understand the following?
    1. Use the walker consistently
    2. Shoes must be leather tennis shoe type or uniform style; consider Velcro closure as opposed to laces that have to be tied
    3. Do not wear pantyhose
    4. You will not be able to walk your dog on a leash
  2. Should the patient be left out of the conversation? Should the daughter be included?
  3. In cases such as these is something other than verbal communication indicated?
  4. What type of provider would you need to contact to assist the patient with normal daily tasks?
  5. The daughter has asked for information on support group she could become involved with to help her understand and support her mother as best as she can. Locate and list two support groups that might be helpful for the patient’s daughter.

Submit a properly APA formatted Word document that answers the above three questions regarding Patient Communication.

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