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Suppose you are trying to type the word “learning” with testDselected (up–downandleft–right inversion). What direction should you move your mouse to get to the next letter in the word?

A student wishes to conduct a controlled experiment on the effects of gender on the ability to adapt to left–right inversion. Which of the following variables should be thesamein all experiments?

A student sets up an experiment according to the table below. What question was the student most likely investigating?

Suppose you are trying to type the word “discover” with testCselected (up–down inversion). In the situation shown below, what direction should you move your mouse to get to the next letter in the word?

Using the Gizmo, a student types the word “teaching” four times, recording times of 45.1, 24.4, 19.6 and 14.8 seconds, in that order. Which of the following is the most likely explanation of these results?

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