Basic L-THIA Spreadsheet
Use the L-THIA (Basic Spreadsheet) to analyze idealize area in Baltimore, MD.
L-THIA and its tutorials can be found using the following link:
Using the “Basic L-THIA Spreadsheet”:
• We will assume a site in the city is about 200 acres, (C soils)• Scenario #1: Assume the land use of that site is all Forest/Woods before it is developed.
• Scenario #2: The site is now developed, based on the current land use, let’s assume of the total area is made up of:
High Density Residential @ 65 % and Commercial @ 35% (you’ll have to convert these landuses to acres to run L-THIA).
• Summarize in a table the outcomes of both scenarios #1 & #2 and determine the percent increase seen with the following: Stormwater Volume (in acre-ft), N, P, TSS, and Bacteria (remember units)
• Do some research on Stormwater BMPs and Low Impact Development (LID). Provide a short write up (one page) on the types of practices that could be used to reduce urban stormwater impacts.
Hint: L-THIA may work best in Internet Explorer