assignment 3 leg 500


This Guide is intended to assist you as you start your last Assignment for this class. This statement is in order: A good number of able students do not get higher grades for their assignments for the simple reason that they do not pay close attention to assignment instructions.

Every assignment contains specific instructions which must be followed. Also, every assignment is about specific issues. Make every effort to understand all issues raised in the assignment. Structure your paper according to the issues involved. Finally, in the process of writing the assignment [in this case a six (6) page report], constantly refer to the Rubrics for this assignment to make sure that you are meeting the requirements.

This assignment is about the Equal Protection Jurisprudence in the workplace as mandated by the Fourteenth Amendment (section 1) to the US Constitution, and Title VII, as amended, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Supreme Court allows employers to voluntarily adopt hiring practices “to diversify their workplaces provided such practices did not include express preferences based upon immutable characteristics.” By immutable characteristics the Supreme Court means certain physical attributes or traits which are perceived as unchangeable, entrenched, and innate. These characteristics are acquired through accident of birth. They were not chosen. Race and sex are immediate examples of immutable characteristics found in Constitutional and employment discrimination Jurisprudence. But, note that civil rights laws and recent court decisions have expanded the concept of immutability to include not just those traits the individual cannot change, but also those considered too important for anyone to be asked to change. Sexual orientation and religion are good examples. Also, the new employment discrimination jurisprudence apply to characteristics on the borders of employment discrimination law’s protection, such as obesity and pregnancy.

The Supreme Court encourages employers to diversify their workforces, but hiring practices should not discriminate against other groups of employment applicants who do not possess immutable characteristics. Merit must be the guiding principle for hiring vis-à-vis workforce diversification. Your report must emphasize this requirement.


Your assignment is to serve as a Consultant to a large, nationwide retailer. Carefully read the paragraph which says that “you have been hired as a Consultant…” DO NOT start writing your paper (report) until you are sure you understand what you are hired to do.

The following is the STRUCTURE of your six (6) page report:


Your report must start with a well-reasoned introduction. The purpose of this introduction is to enable the reader of your report to understand the purpose of your consultancy and what is covered in the report. This must be a brief summary of the major issues covered in the report. It must be in Paragraphs. Note that there is NO NUMBERING of PARAGRAPHS.

Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Voluntarily Prohibiting three to five Federal forms of Discrimination Prohibited under Federal anti-discrimination laws.

In this section of your report you analyze the benefits and costs of voluntarily prohibiting three to five federal forms of discrimination prohibited under the federal anti-discrimination laws. It is important that you research the federal forms of discrimination prohibited under the federal anti-discrimination laws. You can find these federal forms of discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII.

The Benefits and Costs of Voluntarily prohibiting a form of discrimination not covered by any of the Federal anti-discrimination laws.

In this section you are asked to discuss the benefits and costs of voluntarily prohibiting a form of discrimination not covered by any of the federal anti-discrimination laws. Research such forms of discrimination.

The Benefits and Costs of Voluntarily adopting hiring and promotion practices designed to diversify the workforce.

In this section you state and discuss the benefits and costs of hiring and promotion practices designed to diversify the workforce. First, determine the criteria or basis you use as policy tools to guide your hiring and promotion practices to achieve the desired workforce diversification. Then discuss the benefits and costs.

Evaluation of the Ethical considerations of not voluntarily prohibiting the forms of discrimination laws and Determination of the Ethical considerations of not voluntarily adopting hiring and promotion practices to diversify the workforce.

This section is about Ethics and the role of ethics in business. In this section, you are required to reflect on your discussions in the preceding sections of your report. Read the requirements for this section to understand how ethics play out. Read the chapter on ethics in your textbook.


You should carefully read this section of your report as it requires you to address a number of issues. The strategy should be to develop a paragraph for each issue.


References must be cited in the text four (4), and listed in a strict Alphabetical order.

Finally, pay special attention to APA Writing Style formatting requirements.


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