Apply quality management tools, health and medicine homework help
1 Apply quality management tools.
Demonstrate the quality management tools that could be used as process control techniques. Select three (3) quality management tools (e.g., control charts, Pareto charts, fishbone diagrams) and interpret their use for the CEO and Board of Directors. Provide a visual example for each tool used. Discuss the relationship between quality management and how changes in health care regulations impact internal policies, processes and organizational structure.
2 Construct performance management measures.
Develop a plan to measure and management performance during the transition to the new EHR by preparing an executive summary on at least two (2) benchmarking techniques (e.g., productivity standards, report cards, dashboards, etc.). Provide a visual example for each technique used. Discuss the relationship between benchmarking and how how changes in health care regulations impact internal policies, processes and organizational structure.
3 Demonstrate workflow concepts.
Demonstrate workflow concepts that would assist in managing the transition to the new EHR system. Examine at least two (2) workflow concepts (e.g., use cases, top down diagrams, swimlane diagrams, etc.) and provide a visual example of each. Discuss the relationship between workflow concepts and how changes in health care regulations impact internal policies, processes and organizational structure.
4 Apply project management techniques to ensure efficient workflow and appropriate outcomes.
Demonstrate project management techniques that you would use for the EHR transition–ensuring efficient workflow and appropriate outcomes. Select at least two (2) techniques (e.g., Gantt charts, benchmarking, risk analysis) for interpretation. Please provide an example of each and place in an executive summary. Discuss the relationship between project management techniques and how changes in health care regulations impact internal policies, processes and organizational structure.