Application of the health education organizations


– Pick one of the health education organizations we talked about in class ( You can see the health education slides as attachment located below)

– Identify the mission and vision of the organization

– Think of a behavior that health education can help change (ex. Condom use or regular physical activity)

– Choose a target population for whom this behavior would be most relevant

– How can the your selected organization help to address the behavior change? Look at the organization mission and vision statements and their current programs.

  • Application Length– The application should be no more than one page in length. There is no need to create a cover page. There is also no need to include a long header with your name, my name, and the class. That takes up unnecessary space on the page. In the header of the document you can place your name and application number and that should be fine.
  • Grammar and punctuation – Submitted a response that is one paragraph in length will result in you loosing 20% off your grade. Proper grammar and punctuation is expected in your responses.
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